ACL Injuries In Soccer: Why it Happens, Who’s at Risk, And The BEST Current Science On Injury Prevention

Soccer is one of the most played, watched, and loved sports in the world. Along with being incredibly popular, it also ranks near, if not at, the top of sports with the greatest risk of Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) tears for female athletes.   You’ve likely heard of a family member, friend, or child of a… Continue reading ACL Injuries In Soccer: Why it Happens, Who’s at Risk, And The BEST Current Science On Injury Prevention

The Why and How of Strength Training for Runners

If you had an extra hour each week to devote to training, what would you do with it? More miles? Cross training? Yoga? For most runners, strength training would be the last choice to fill that void. Whether the objection comes from worries about getting slow or questions about the science, weight training is still… Continue reading The Why and How of Strength Training for Runners

Hydration and Working Out: An Athlete’s Guide to Water, Electrolytes, and Optimum Performance

When the body is consistently in a happy state of hydration, life is good. Your skin is clearer, you have more energy, and your workout performance is solid. Your hair might even be shinier.  It seems so simple. Yet, proper hydration is one of the biggest training puzzles for a lot of high-performance athletes —… Continue reading Hydration and Working Out: An Athlete’s Guide to Water, Electrolytes, and Optimum Performance

Perception of Strength Training for Women

          Recently, a few of my female patients have expressed their concerns with going to the weight room. I wanted to write a blog this week on overcoming these thoughts and preconceived notions that the weight room is not a place for women. I also wanted to create a safe place… Continue reading Perception of Strength Training for Women

Lisfranc Injury: Part 3

Over the last two blogs, we discussed my experience with Lisfranc Injury. Returning back to sports can be difficult with any injuries, especially when it comes to the foot. Being evaluated as well as progressing through an appropriate program can ensure the athlete’s safety and minimize other compensations. This allows the athlete to maximize their… Continue reading Lisfranc Injury: Part 3

The Importance of the Bike Fit: Avoiding Knee Pain

In the last two blogs, we talked about how the benefits of a “dynamic” bike fit vs. a static bike fit can help rider’s who suffer from neck/shoulder and low back pain. If you are a cyclist who is currently lowering your miles or training intensity because of KNEE pain, then this series last blog… Continue reading The Importance of the Bike Fit: Avoiding Knee Pain

Lisfranc Injury: Part 2

Last month, we talked about the anatomy, the mechanism of injury, and my own history with Lisfranc Injury. Rehab is never an easy process and the journey requires patience, consistency, and hard work. Here at Competitive Edge, we use a wide variety of high tech biofeedback tools to aid in the rehab process. These tools… Continue reading Lisfranc Injury: Part 2

The Importance of the Bike Fit: Avoiding Neck and Shoulder Pain

Last month we talked about the importance of the “dynamic” bike fit. Looking at how individuals fit their bikes and how they move on them in order to help reduce low back pain while riding. These same principles can help alleviate pain in other areas common to cyclists, such as the neck and shoulder. The… Continue reading The Importance of the Bike Fit: Avoiding Neck and Shoulder Pain

Lisfranc Injury: Part 1

My History with Lisfranc Injury (Tarsometatarsal Ligament Injury) Ever since I was a kid, I have always loved playing basketball. I played throughout high school and junior college. I couldn’t get enough of the game! In May of 2018, I played at a recreational league and during one game,I planted my foot, changed direction too… Continue reading Lisfranc Injury: Part 1

The Importance of the Bike Fit: Avoiding Low Back Pain

Whether it was getting a new bike for Christmas as a kid or buying a used bike online and teaching yourself in an empty parking lot, everyone can remember getting their first bike and taking that ride! It’s an amazing feeling to be able to get on a bike and discover the world around you.… Continue reading The Importance of the Bike Fit: Avoiding Low Back Pain

H2/Heading That Calls the User to Action

This is your subheader, it should briefly support the statement above.

This is your subheader, it should briefly support the statement above.

This is your subheader, it should briefly support the statement above.

This is your subheader, it should briefly support the statement above.