What Causes Tight Ankles? How to Improve Your Ankle Mobility

When you’re dealing with restricted movement, there’s often more to the story than what’s going on at the site of limitation, pain, or injury… This is because functional movement is hardly ever exclusive to just one part of the body. Biomechanical or physiological processes connect all your tissues and structures, so when an issue presents… Continue reading What Causes Tight Ankles? How to Improve Your Ankle Mobility

Do You Run Efficiently? 7 Training Aspects That Might Be Stealing Your Energy

Runners are always asking questions about how to be better: How to run faster. How to run with more power. How to run to beat your next PR. How to constantly improve, even when there’s no definitive end point for how well you can run. The thing about these goals, though, is that you can… Continue reading Do You Run Efficiently? 7 Training Aspects That Might Be Stealing Your Energy

The 8 Phases of Walking Gait: What Ideal Walking Form Looks Like

From the moment you start taking those first, wobbly steps as a child, and all the way through navigating your daily, adult life — walking is an essential part of your movement. It’s an innate ability of ours, and an everyday activity that we take for granted. We assume that we’ll always be able to… Continue reading The 8 Phases of Walking Gait: What Ideal Walking Form Looks Like

Why Do My Hips Hurt when I Run? (Common Risk Factors and Solutions)

People are quick to assume that running is bad for your joints because the sport is notorious for its high injury rates. Most runners end up dealing with some variation of aches and pains, many of which manifest within the joints themselves. Runners most frequently have gripes with pain or injury in their knees or… Continue reading Why Do My Hips Hurt when I Run? (Common Risk Factors and Solutions)

The Top 3 Reasons Why Runners Get Iliotibial Band Syndrome (and Why Foam Rolling Isn’t the Answer)

Iliotibial band syndrome — IT band syndrome, ITBS, whichever name you prefer — is a notoriously common injury that’s plagued the running community for ages. It can set in quickly, and tends to overstay its welcome like an unwanted guest. But perhaps, even more frustrating, is trying to search for a solution to ITBS on… Continue reading The Top 3 Reasons Why Runners Get Iliotibial Band Syndrome (and Why Foam Rolling Isn’t the Answer)

What Causes Hip Impingement, and How Do I Fix It?

Femoroacetabular impingement sounds daunting at first — as do most other diagnoses with intimidatingly long names. Which is why most people shorten it to “FAI” or “hip impingement” instead. Regardless of what you call it, FAI is a relatively common diagnosis, especially in a world of desk jobs and sedentary lifestyles. The problem being: even… Continue reading What Causes Hip Impingement, and How Do I Fix It?

Why Do I Have Low Back Pain while Running? The 4 Most Common Causes and How to Fix Them

Low back pain is the bane of many peoples’ existence… And that can be especially true for runners. When you’re looking forward to a long weekend run after a hard week of work, the last thing you want to deal with is low back pain that forces you to walk or stop running altogether. Running… Continue reading Why Do I Have Low Back Pain while Running? The 4 Most Common Causes and How to Fix Them

How to Run Every Day: Benefits and Best Practices

Runners unquestionably love their sport — so much so, that many of them often wonder if it’s possible to run every day. Thus, the practice of “run streaking” was born — in an effort to stay wholly dedicated to their running, thousands of people have committed to running a minimum of one mile every single… Continue reading How to Run Every Day: Benefits and Best Practices

The 6 Most Common Risk Factors for Stress Fractures in Running

Unidentified shin pain is an incredibly common gripe for runners, and determining what exactly that pain is can be a frustrating, ambiguous process. After all, most resources tend to assign any old shin pain as shin splints — which isn’t inherently wrong, but there’s more to the symptoms than a vague umbrella term. With shin… Continue reading The 6 Most Common Risk Factors for Stress Fractures in Running

The 10 Best Exercises for Improving Shoulder Mobility

Last month, we reviewed some of the basics behind shoulder joint anatomy and mobility. And in dissecting all its complex structures and wide range of motion, we established just how versatile the joint is and how much it contributes to our everyday movement. However, in order to capitalize on the full range of movement, we… Continue reading The 10 Best Exercises for Improving Shoulder Mobility

H2/Heading That Calls the User to Action

This is your subheader, it should briefly support the statement above.

This is your subheader, it should briefly support the statement above.

This is your subheader, it should briefly support the statement above.

This is your subheader, it should briefly support the statement above.