How to Improve Foot Strength for Running

Your feet are incredibly important for running, for obvious reasons. And for less obvious reasons, too! The foot is a complex anatomical structure: though it may not seem like much, it’s chock full of passive and active tissues that allow it a wide range of motion and functionality. In fact, there’s so much going on… Continue reading How to Improve Foot Strength for Running

What Causes Tight Ankles? How to Improve Your Ankle Mobility

When you’re dealing with restricted movement, there’s often more to the story than what’s going on at the site of limitation, pain, or injury… This is because functional movement is hardly ever exclusive to just one part of the body. Biomechanical or physiological processes connect all your tissues and structures, so when an issue presents… Continue reading What Causes Tight Ankles? How to Improve Your Ankle Mobility

Plantar Fasciitis: The What, How, and Why of Treating Heel Pain

If you’ve ever hobbled through intense heel pain, you know how rough and tumble it can get. When you wake up every morning, it strikes the bottom of your foot as you take those first few steps out of bed. It can feel like a nail driving into your foot with each step, and that… Continue reading Plantar Fasciitis: The What, How, and Why of Treating Heel Pain

Lisfranc Injury: Part 3

Over the last two blogs, we discussed my experience with Lisfranc Injury. Returning back to sports can be difficult with any injuries, especially when it comes to the foot. Being evaluated as well as progressing through an appropriate program can ensure the athlete’s safety and minimize other compensations. This allows the athlete to maximize their… Continue reading Lisfranc Injury: Part 3

Lisfranc Injury: Part 2

Last month, we talked about the anatomy, the mechanism of injury, and my own history with Lisfranc Injury. Rehab is never an easy process and the journey requires patience, consistency, and hard work. Here at Competitive Edge, we use a wide variety of high tech biofeedback tools to aid in the rehab process. These tools… Continue reading Lisfranc Injury: Part 2

Lisfranc Injury: Part 1

My History with Lisfranc Injury (Tarsometatarsal Ligament Injury) Ever since I was a kid, I have always loved playing basketball. I played throughout high school and junior college. I couldn’t get enough of the game! In May of 2018, I played at a recreational league and during one game,I planted my foot, changed direction too… Continue reading Lisfranc Injury: Part 1

Runners: 3 Great Exercises to Prevent and Treat Bunions

Nothing brings runners enjoying their blissful weekend runs or intense race training schedules to a grinding halt like big toe or hallux pain. It seems impossible to mentally tough out big toe pain and finish the race (not a wise idea) because there is no way to compensate and run without using the big toe… Continue reading Runners: 3 Great Exercises to Prevent and Treat Bunions

3 Effective Ways Ease Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis can be one of the most nagging and frustrating injuries a runner or athlete can experience. Approximately 10% of the population in the United States experience heel pain in a given year! It comes on out of nowhere and all of a sudden you have pain in your heel and in the bottom… Continue reading 3 Effective Ways Ease Plantar Fasciitis

H2/Heading That Calls the User to Action

This is your subheader, it should briefly support the statement above.

This is your subheader, it should briefly support the statement above.

This is your subheader, it should briefly support the statement above.

This is your subheader, it should briefly support the statement above.